Thursday, November 22, 2012

I've been waiting for midnight.

Guys, I'm thankful that I still haven't been forced to see the last Twilight movie. (Or any of the other Twilight movies.)

I'm grateful for electric blankets since I still haven't coerced a certain male into cuddling with me.

I'm thankful that I'm not a vegetarian, because rib eye steak.

I'm grateful for Target; especially their clearance sections.

I'm thankful that my brother said today that he's happy I was born. That's practically him saying he loves me.

I'm grateful for brownies and mint chocolate chip ice cream.

And I'm thankful for Gerard Butler's bum and face and biceps. And the parts in between too.
And that wasn't meant to sound scandalous...

What are you thankful for?

1 comment:

kylee said...

amen about twilight. i sure hope you've seen the bad lip reads of the twilight movies, they're HILARIOUS!