Saturday, November 24, 2012

epiphany on love.

You know that Ingrid Michaelson song? The one that was on that Grey's episode a while back; the one about snow. This one:

I was listening to it yesterday and had to stop my car because it hit me.

I love snow.
Snow melts.

But it doesn't matter how many times it melts or summer comes around, I still love snow.

It's almost like the snow being gone makes me appreciate it more.

Well, shouldn't love be the same way? It's supposed to be soft and quiet and unexpected.
It's supposed to shock and awe you.

Yes, sometimes it's going to fade. Sometimes the wind is going to blow it away.

But we shouldn't waste all our time being upset that it melted.
We should just be excited that it's going to come again. Maybe this time it will come faster and harder. And maybe this time it will stay longer.

Maybe this time you will be better prepared.

I'm trying to focus on the happy 'maybe's in life.

1 comment:

AnnaBanana said...

if there was a "like" i would hit it a million time!!!!!!!!!! your amazing friend. lets work on the happy 'maybe's life together!