Sunday, June 23, 2013

when dating, when choosing friends.

you need a gardener not a florist.

a florist only picks perfection.
they cut you down.
teach you that you aren't adequate alone.
a florist will stop your growth, in fact they'll kill you slowly.

sure, it seems rewarding temporarily.
you might bring a smile to someone's face for a week or so.
when you're chosen, you feel special. nothing else in the world matters.
but a florist treats all the other flowers the same.
in fact, a florist ignores your individuality more than it celebrates it.

but, a gardener...

a gardener gives you their time.
they keep you nourished and strong.
teach you that you're worth fighting for.
a gardener will encourage life and tear down weeds that suffocate.

a gardener will keep you rooted and firm,
they'll allow room for growth.
even understand that change is normal; change is good.
a gardener might trim and prune you, but only to keep you from hurting yourself.

sure, a gardener can't always prevent the harsh, cruelty of winter
but they'll absolutely revive you in the spring.
a gardener delights in your happiness and health;
your beauty and uniqueness makes them smile.
their knees will be sore from praying and working on your behalf.

and gardeners don't ask for a thing.
they just want you to shine.

so, find a gardener not a florist.

and, if you can, be a gardener too.


Cindy Lou said...

What a lovely thought, said in such a lovely way!

Unknown said...

i adore this.

Unknown said...

Kari! I haven't been on your blog for the longest time, I've been selfish in my ways. Worried and concerned about my life. In light of recent events that have started to change, I've been receiving help that had been much desired and needed. Fixing up emotional insecurities that have been a hindrance far too long. So this is the first time in 5 months I have indulged in the guilty pleasure of reading your blog. :) And I have to say of all days to get on... this was a choice day indeed. Lately I have noticed the small but huge blessings in my life that I have not been taking advantage of. Distancing myself from any future ones that I have believed to be too far out of my league to deserve them. This is not the case; I obviously knew that, but couldn't accept it. I'm starting to see that things are not just coincidence and random, but perfectly and divinely placed. This post helped me on a different level than just a beautifully written excerpt by a beautifully gifted friend. Kari what I'm trying to say is you have blessed my life countless times, even though you don't know or may not believe me, you have. I am so grateful for that slightly quirky girl who moved in to apt 5. I love you and always will. Thank you for all the laughs and so much more.