Sunday, July 22, 2012

i rant and you unfollow me.

Subtitle: There's a big difference between knowing what you deserve, and believing it exists.

Today in church someone spoke about how often the reason [especially for men] that people aren't married is because they're afraid of commitment.

Everyone... everyone, laughed. Except me.
Straight-faced, I nodded my head. I agree whole-heartedly.

It's like that line from a Taylor Swift song, 'I brace myself for the goodbye, because it's all I've ever known.'

And it's not so much that I'm afraid of committing to someone. I just have a hard time believing that someone will commit to me forever.

And why is there this notion that we have to remain friends with someone who walked away from us? What do I owe them?

If someone is going to commit to me, obviously I will do everything I can to put them first. But if they break that commitment, I resume first priority.

And I do not want to use my time and energy keeping someone happy, who doesn't even want me in their life.

Dating is the worst.

"All your theories on love sound more like the rantings of a bitter and cynical woman." - The Wedding Planner


Cindy Lou said...

I agree 100%.

Brissa said...

it's true. it is. it's scary. it's crazy to think that there is someone out there who will want to and will choose to commit to you forever. i didn't believe it. i wouldn't let myself believe it. then it happened and it's the most incredible feeling in the world.
no. don't stay friends. they don't deserve it and you deserve better. you've got a solid head on your shoulders.